Mixa Wallet

Revolutionize your marketing with Mixa Wallet. Offer personalized digital offers to your customers.

Now you can stop wasting money on daily deals and coupons that blanket your market indiscriminately to attract customers you will never see again. Mixa Personalized Offers for Clover Station lets businesses of any size create digital promotions targeted to specific customers based upon how they shop. Your offers are sent to customers via email, text messages and/or our mobile app, Mixa Wallet.

To redeem, all customers need to do is tell the cashier their phone number during checkout. All you need to do is access their customer record and start their order. It’s convenient for everyone and you get near-real-time reporting online that only you can view.

MixaWallet Personalized Offers will delight your customers and save you $$$.


We have one that suits your needs!